Clarke Central Freshman Academy

  • Freshman Academy

    In 2000, Clarke Central created a Freshman Academy in order to help students have a smoother transition to high school.  The Freshman Academy has its own administrator, counselor, incentives, and rules.  Over the years, our graduation rate has improved, as we are no longer losing as many students freshman year.

    Action Plan for Freshmen
    The CCHS Counseling Department supports our school-wide advisement program.  Freshmen should work with their advisors, parents, teachers, and counselor to follow the suggestions below for a successful freshman year.

    • Students need to earn 24 units of credit to graduate from Clarke Central HS.
    • To become a sophomore, you must earn at least 5 units of credit. 3 of the 5 must be in core courses.
    • Take challenging classes like Advanced courses.
    • Study hard and get high grades.
    • Work with your advisor to develop your 4-year plan towards graduation.
    • You will be taking End of Course Tests this year in the following academic subjects: Algebra I andL Biology.
    • Attend all classes regularly. Excellent attendance is a must!
    • Build a support team: parents, teachers, advisors, counselors, and coaches.
    • Take advantage of help available: communicate with your teachers, attend after-school tutoring (even if it’s not required!)
    • Get involved – join sports, clubs and do community service.
    • READ! Read as much as possible in your spare time: magazines, newspapers, novels, etc.
    • Begin to think about your own abilities, interests and values.
    • Make an appointment to meet your counselor.
    • Consider taking AP courses next year – they are the single best predictor for success in college!
    • DON’T LET YOUR FRIENDS BRING YOU DOWN! Avoid the temptation to leave academics behind to be a “slacker” – we want to see you graduate with your class in 4 years!


    Looking Ahead to College