• The English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a federal program that provides supplemental educational services to all English Learners (ELs) in Kindergarten through 12th grades who meet the eligibility criteria. This program aids in the success of English Learners in an English-speaking classroom through immersion in an English-speaking environment with guidance from the ESOL teacher and accommodations provided by school personnel to support the academic success of ELs as they learn English.

    Districts are mandated by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to provide an alternative program of service when there are students who are English Learners (ELs) and are unable to participate effectively in the district's regular instructional program.

    Clarke County School District's goal is to have students succeed in all four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) both socially and academically. We also want EL students to understand and function successfully in American culture.

    District Demographics for Clarke County School District

    • Identified ELs
      • 1185 total students
      • 960 elementary school
      • 130 middle school
      • 95 high school
    • Approximately 10% of the total district population are identified for ESOL services
    • Approximately 90% of the ELL population is Hispanic
    • Students are monitored for two years after exiting the ESOL program

    Coordinator of English Learner (EL) Language Programs
    David Forker (
    706-546-7721, ext. 79507

    Budget Assistant
    Neki Porter (
    706-546-7721, ext. 79538