• Puppetry Guild

    The purpose of the Clarke Central Puppetry Guild is to explore world puppetry, puppet construction, playwriting and performance skills. Students will research, develop, build and produce their own puppets and puppet shows.

    Content of meetings:

    • Introduction to puppetry around the world including types of puppets: marionettes, shadow puppets, hand puppets, rod puppets, body puppets, objects, and animatronics
    • Student input to choose what type of puppets and characters to build
    • As puppets are being built, students will brainstorm storylines for future scripting.
    • Most of the meetings will be taken up with puppet building.
    • Exploration of possible public performances, video performances, or performances within the guild

    Meetings are held in room 132 every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.



    John Ritzler - ritzlerj@clarke.k12.ga.us